Cloud Services
Red Team Engineering brings strong experience in Cloud Engineering, Systems Deployment and Life-Cycle Engineering on multiple contracts, most notably performance on the Omnibus Support Contract where our team of technical experts migrated relevant portions of the ecosystem to commercial and milCloud through the application of our Agile processes and engineering disciplines to cloud computing. At contract start, the ecosystem consisted of production virtual machines in DISA capacity services and a similar environment in DISA RACE (Rapid Access Computing Environment). Our Red Team software engineering team designed, architected, engineered, and built a Forge development and test environment cloud solution both in Amazon Web Services US-East and AWS GovCloud.
Migration Services
Our migration services include the fundamental steps of Application Migration Assessment and Profiling, Migration and Transition, Optimize and Deployment, followed by Operations and Sustainment.
milCloud 2.0
Red Team Engineering member ICS has been heavily involved in Forge’s migration to the new Department of Defense milCloud 2.0. According to milCloud 2.0 program officials, was the first program to achieve CPTC (Cloud Permission to Connect) for milCloud 2.0. Forge garnered high praise from the milCloud 2.0 team for being ahead of schedule. Due to Red Team’s skill, the program was the first application at DISA to have traffic routed through the milCloud 2 VDSS appliance. Forge’s pioneering endeavors will enable DISA programs to migrate to milCloud 2 faster, thus helping them align with agency priorities.
The Amazon Web Services (AWS) environment has enabled the Integration team to execute 108 bi-weekly iterations, amounting to 9 quarterly releases and integrate 677 user stories since August 2014. We have decreased deployment time of features to production from quarterly to bi-weekly (an increase in velocity of 500%). Additionally, Red Team Engineering member ICS software developers created a Puppet-based automated deployment process to construct environments. Utilizing this process, we reduced deployment times of a environment from approximately one week to under 30 minutes (a 99.7% decrease). Additionally, the process conducts security compliance actions of the machines to ensure proper security posture in the deployed cloud.
Red Team Engineering member ICS engineered the security framework using industry-accepted Security Groups and ACLs, and by doing so, successfully obtained Interim Authority to Test (IATT) certifications under DIACAP and are successfully transitioning to an RMF Authority to Operate (ATO). Red Team Engineering member ICS successfully migrated the Jenkins and Selenium test framework (over 5000 automated tests) into AWS with no loss of testing functionality. Red Team Engineering member ICS also instantiated a code scanning framework (SonarQube) to scan Forge’s >180,000-line code-base. Red Team Engineering member ICS realized the following gains for the Government: decreased feature delivery times from 3 months to 2 weeks (an increase in velocity of 500%), and optimized cost savings from $35,000/month to $3,500/month (90%) while instantiating three environments in AWS instead of the one in RACE. Red Team Engineering member ICS conducted a risk assessment of the cloud solution and obtained a DIACAP Interim Authority to Test (IATT) and are pursuing an RMF Authority to Operate (ATO) via NIST Special Publication 800-53.
Red Team Engineering can bring our expertise to support a wide variety of applications and cloud platforms. Red Team Engineering is a full-service information technology and security consulting firm incorporated in the State of Alabama, with headquarters in Montgomery, Alabama. Red Team Engineering is ISO 9001:2015 Registered and CMMI DEV/L3; VA Certified Veteran-Owned (VOSB) with a history of supporting Federal, State & Local, higher education and Fortune 2000 clients since 1997. Red Team Engineering maintains a DCAA-approved cost accounting system.
Red Team Engineering Cloud Migration
Project Planning Considerations
There are a number of steps involved for application migration projects. Red Team Engineering models its migration based on AWS best practices (but are generic enough to work for any cloud environment). There are 3 main phases:

Application Migration Assessment
Before beginning the full assessment phase, the context of the application should be understood to not waste time/resources:
Suitable Candidates
- Applications that are run infrequently but require significant computing resources when they run.
- Applications that are run in a time zone different from where support IT personnel are located.
- Development, testing, and prototyping of application changes, even if the final • applications will be run on your own infrastructure.
- Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) applications.
Less-Suitable Candidates
- Applications that involve extremely sensitive data, particularly where there is a regulatory or legal risk involved in any disclosure. These will at minimum require special treatment if they are to be run in a cloud service.
- Applications now being run internally that are very performance-sensitive.
- Applications that require frequent and/or voluminous transactions against an on-premises database that cannot be migrated to cloud computing.
- Applications that run on legacy platforms that are typically not supported (or may not be supported in the long run) by cloud providers.